The Benefits of Clearing Trapped Emotions

When we are put under stress, it’s common to have certain negative emotions that are our go-to emotions. Some common negative emotions might be anger, anxiety, grief, or insecurity.

But “common” does not equate to “normal.”

What would it be like to be in full control of your emotions? To be able to feel both the positive and negative ones, but also to feel like you are in the drivers’ seat, instead of your emotions are in control of you?

What Are Trapped Emotions?

A trapped emotion is a harmful emotional energy from negative past events. It may cause feelings of depression and anxiety, but each trapped emotion may also block people from love and happiness and make them feel disconnected from others.

Trapped emotions are just made out of energy like the rest of the body, and they exert an influence on the physical tissues. This can cause acute discomfort and potential disease.

But healing is possible. When we release trapped emotions, it can create the proper conditions for the body to heal – so physical and emotional difficulties may disappear or become much more manageable.

The Emotion Code

The Emotion Code is a method of releasing trapped emotions (“emotional baggage”). It works on a subconscious level to remove emotional energy that is stuck in the body.

It can help reducing anxiety, overwhelm, and depression, while also helping to increase confidence and self-esteem. It can also relieve physical symptoms or ailments (because in many cases that physical symptom is the manifestation of an emotional issue).

Many people come to me because they have heard of The Emotion Code and have found me through the online database of practitioners on Discover Healing’s website. I absolutely love The Emotion Code as a form of identifying and releasing emotions. I first learned about shifting trapped emotions because of this modality. It is, however, not something that I exclusively practice, as I have found there to be other complementary modalities that lead to even more beneficial sessions.

What Happens in a Session?

Throughout our lives, we have hundreds to thousands of moments in time (data points) when we didn’t fully process an emotion. It might have been something small when someone made a comment about something we did, but we were immediately pulled in another direction and couldn’t work through our emotions about their words. Or it could have been something bigger, like a traumatic event. When we don’t process those emotions, they become “trapped emotions.”

A trapped emotion or belief is just a vibration, but a very low one. It will become trapped in various organs and tissues of the body, sometimes leading to prolonged aches, pains, or non-healing injuries. That vibration keeps radiating, and it acts as a lowest common denominator – bringing us to that vibration over and over again. It’s why we find ourselves cycling back to old emotions like anger, grief, or anxiety.

Your subconscious mind is like a computer that always runs in the background, even when you’re asleep. It knows who you sat next to on the bus on your 6th grade field trip. Because we are all just made of energy, we can talk directly to your subconscious through applied kinesiology (muscle testing) and ask it yes/no questions.

Each trapped emotion as a rock in the ground. Sometimes that rock is just sitting on top of the dirt, and we can look at it and pick it up. Other times, we need to dig at the dirt a little before we can remove it. But when we remove it, there is a little hole in the ground where it used to be. During the gentle processing time after your session, that hole will be filled in as your body and mind find its new homeostasis.

After Your Session

There is a bit of processing time that you can expect after a session.

You may have some ups and downs during that time while your body finds its homeostasis and things settle out. Some people experience echoes of the emotions that we have cleared during that time. Most would describe that processing time as feeling lighter, off, or different.

After that initial 12-24 hours, it’s like you are stepping forward into a new world with a new freedom and opportunity to choose your emotions.

When we have emotional baggage (trapped emotions), we default to those emotions. What you will find is that there is now a gap between your reaction. In that gap is where you can insert a proper emotion.

Physical concerns typically improve as we remove and clear trapped emotions – some immediately or some over time. This will depend on if a physical issue is related to a trapped emotion or not.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

That is entirely up to you. As an adult, you can have anywhere between a hundred and thousands of trapped emotions. In a single session, we are able to typically release 5-10 emotions.

Many people feel changes and shifts after one session! However, the more sessions you complete, the more clear and free you may feel.