
Determine the best path for your desired outcomes

  • A short phone conversation in which we focus on what is going on and where you might want support
  • Not a coaching call
  • A conversation about you and if any of my techniques, coaching, or product lines are right for what you want to accomplish
  • A chance to see if we're a good fit for each other
  • 15 minutes via phone

Session Investment

45 Minutes


Approximately 35 minutes of hands-on work with 5 minutes intake and 5 minutes integration

60 Minutes


Approximately 50 minutes of hands-on work with 5 minutes intake and 5 minutes integration

90 Minutes


Approximately 75 minutes of hands-on work with 5 minutes intake and 10 minutes integration

Sessions May Include:

Breath Work
Chakra Balancing/Clearing
Cord Cutting
Emotion Code
Guided Meditation
Light Language
Limiting Beliefs
Muscle Testing
Nutritional Energy Guidance
Singing Bowls
Somatic Awareness
Spinal Flow
Tuning Forks
Vagal Tone

Due to moving, I am not taking any new clients at the moment

To get on my waitlist, please send a short email:

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